Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cordoba, Argentina

Cordoba was definitely one of my favorite places so far. As far as the city goes, it wasn't anything particularly special. However, I was staying with the family of my friends Coti and Virginia that I met in Rio last summer, and that was an awesome experience. The family consisted of the two parents and six daughters (Caro is missing here):

They were absolutely amazing hosts. It was a nice change from the hostel life - every day I got home cooked meals, my own room, laundry, etc. Here is where I slept:

They knew all of the best areas around the city to see and they had a car that we could use to get there. Cordoba is a very old city with a lot of history, so it was interesting walking around. Here are some sights from the city:

Having a car also meant that we could drive around to see some of the landmarks and towns just outside the city. There are a lot of German towns with immigrants that came to escape Europe after World War II (think like a Leavenworth, WA). That meant great scenery and even better beer:

And of course, we went out just about every night...

Coti, if you or anyone from your family reads this, thanks a ton for everything!

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